Can you believe it’s been five months since my oldest son got married?!?
I hope it’s not too late for you to enjoy these wedding photos!
I expected to have some official photos to share with you quite a while ago, but there was a delay in the discs getting to us. We got them a couple of days ago, and as I promised right after the wedding, here are some of the pictures!
Our wonderful daugher-in-lawOur oldest son on his wedding day
Family photoAll of our children (except Rafael, who wasn’t feeling well)The oldest seven boysDs23 with ds18 at chassan tish before wedding ceremonyDs23 with the best father in the world at chassan tish 🙂Ds15 helping ds23 put on kittel before bedekenBedeken ceremonyBedeken ceremonyDh and I preparing to walk ds to chupaAt chupa waiting for the brideSharing a smile under the chupaImmediately after wedding ceremony – my son, the married man – so emotionalDh and I with our lovely new couple!Our full family photo with our newest addition!
It’s so nice to share these family milestone events with my blog readers, who after so many years together here are almost like extended family!
Have lots of nachas Aviva!
A mother of a large family once told me that the sheer joy of seeing the pictures from her family simchas made up for any all difficulties and aggravation that she experienced in raising her children!
Not just when seeing the pictures, Surie! Every single time I sit around the Shabbos table with all the kids together, I can’t tell you what a deep feeling of contentment and gratitude I feel.
may simcha follow simcha!!
just beautiful k’nh.
thank you for sharing with us so many personal
momments in yours and your childrens lives!
So beautiful Avivah!!!! I can’t imagine how emotional that will be when our kids start getting married. 🙂
Beautiful pictures!!!
Beautiful. Lots of nachas!
Thank you, Liat and Y!
Have lots of nachas Aviva!
A mother of a large family once told me that the sheer joy of seeing the pictures from her family simchas made up for any all difficulties and aggravation that she experienced in raising her children!
Not just when seeing the pictures, Surie! Every single time I sit around the Shabbos table with all the kids together, I can’t tell you what a deep feeling of contentment and gratitude I feel.
Rhank you for chaing this lovely pictures and special moment
Mazal tov, Avivah and your entire family! May you enjoy many more smachot, excellent health and long, meaningful lives!