Wedding of Michal and Amitai – pics

I can hardly believe that our two oldest daughters are now married!

Last night we celebrated the first sheva brachos for Michal and Amitai. Today we had the Purim seuda in our home, and tomorrow night will begin the Shabbos sheva brachos that we are hosting! Does that hint at how extremely busy I am??

Honestly, I should be cooking for sheva brachos right now since very little has been prepared and there’s quite a lot to do, but I’ve decided to take a break of sorts and share some of the unofficial wedding pictures with you instead. Decadent of me, isn’t it? 🙂

It was another beautiful wedding!

T. helping Michal get ready
It’s nice having an older sister to help get you get ready for your wedding!

Our lovely bride!

Our lovely bride!

T. helping Michal get ready
All the siblings!
All the siblings!
Michal and Rafael (14 months)
Michal and Rafael (14 months)
Married 12 days!
Married 12 days!
Amitai placing veil over Michal
Amitai placing veil over Michal at bedecken
Walking to chupa
Walking to chupa

(For those who read my post a while back about remaking my gown for one of the weddings, this was the gown. Not that you can really see it well in the pictures, but it turned out nicely.)

Walking to chupa
Walking to chupa –

We had really wanted to have the ceremony outdoors, and fortunately the heavy rain and very cold temperatures of the day before abated.

Leading bride around the groom seven times
Mothers escorting bride around the groom seven times
The couple together at the end of seventh circle
The couple together at the end of seventh circle

Right at this point is where I got a surprise – the rosh yeshiva who was going to be officiating had gotten sick and been replaced by a Taimani (Yemenite) rav.   I would have been able to appreciate the ceremony more fully if I had known to expect some differences but even so enjoyed it.  A number of people came over to me afterward and told me how beautiful it was, that it was the first time they had attended a Yemenite wedding ceremony. It was my first time, too!

While waiting to take family pictures after the ceremony, Yirmi makes friends with the photographers
While waiting to take family pictures after the ceremony, Yirmi spends time with the photographers – this is the second wedding of ours that they’ve photographed so they’ve gotten to know each other!

At our last wedding, the musicians told us it was unusually high energy group. And it was – there was a lot of love being expressed by a lot of people.

This wedding was just a night before Purim, and with 100 plus guys from Amitai’s yeshiva, many of whom were dressed in costume, it was super pumped. Though I’ve been told weddings of guys from this yeshiva are energetic, the musician (who is also from the yeshiva) told me this was on a different scale completely. It was very, very high energy. It didn’t pause for a second.

Our male family members had to really work to get into the center of the circle to dance with Amitai and later when Michal came to the mens’ side, to dance for them both. It was actually kind of intimidating for my younger boys, who really wanted to dance for their sister and with their new brother-in-law but didn’t feel able to force their way in. I appreciated one man who noticed ds10 and pulled him in, giving him the chance to rollerblade for the couple.

A human pyramid - ds19 is on the top in the green wig
Ds19 on top of the human pyramid (in the green wig)

m wedding - on tables

Michal throwing candies to Amitai over the divider

After this picture, Michal’s friends put her down and continued dancing with her.

Dancing on women's side
Dancing on women’s side

Amitai’s friends, who were also holding him on a tabletop, threw him up in the air repeatedly, so high that several times he hit the ceiling (which led to another interesting and memorable situation later on when his key and phone flew out of his pocket and were temporarily lost).

Dh and I at the end of the wedding with ds11 and ds 14mo
Dh and I at the end of the wedding with ds11 and ds 14mo

I’ll share official pictures when we have them, which will of course include pictures of the couple together! I realize it’s disappointing not to see those. Sorry, for now I can only share the pictures I was sent. 🙁

So that they’re represented as a couple in this post :), I’ll share a picture of them 24 hours later at their first sheva brachos.

Married for a day!
Married for a day!


It’s hard to believe that we have three married couples now!

It will take some time to process all the changes happening in our family – this third wedding took place exactly a year and a week from the time Rafael entered the family (the three weddings took place within 8.5 months), so there have been four new family members in the last year! It’s been very special and emotional to see our family expand to include these beautiful people.


13 thoughts on “Wedding of Michal and Amitai – pics

  1. So special!! Mazal tov!! Thanks for taking a break from your busy-ness to share pictures with us !! Chag Purim Sameach !

  2. mazel tov to the sweet couple. may they build a bayis ne’eman together, and you should have much nachat from all your children

  3. Please relay to Michal that me and my kids are so sorry we weren’t able to come share in your simcha. It was so thoughtful of Michal to call when she got engaged and we would have loved to come and dance with her. My girls absolutely loved the wedding pics. Please send our warmest Mazel Tov from Esti, Sara, Chana, Yaeli, and Mordechai.

  4. Oh my goodness! I just got the links for both Tehila and Michals weddings now. Tearing up over here! SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO beautiful!
    It looks like Rephael has become a wedding decorum pro! I’ll have to admit it was the “after ” pictures of those 2 young marreid women in the sheitals with their husbands that really got me! Wishing you all lots of nachas and simcha bli di!

    1. All the kids have gotten into the wedding groove, Rafael included – they’ve had lot of opportunities in the last 8.5 months to get to know the protocol! (One announced to me that the worst thing about the wedding is the pictures!)

      I know what you mean about the married pictures, Shoshana (though they actually both wore shaitels to their weddings)! It will take some time to process that it’s really happened – seeing our three couples together over Shabbos sheva brachos was very moving.

  5. All the kids have gotten into the wedding groove, Rafael included – they’ve had lot of opportunities in the last 8.5 months to get to know the protocol! (One announced to me that the worst thing about the wedding is the pictures!)

    I know what you mean about the married pictures, Shoshana (though they actually both wore shaitels to their weddings)! It will take some time to process that it’s really happened – seeing our three couples together over Shabbos sheva brachos was very moving.

  6. We are so thrilled to share in your smachot even if from afar. HaShem should bless both couples with all that they need and much of what they desire.

  7. Mazel tov to everyone! The pics are gorgeous- not as beautiful as the brides and grooms. The joy filled the halls!
    Avivah, mazel tov on all your hard work! From helping “H” manifest those new family members to the organizing and cooking while homeschooling!
    Processing life’s changes is huge takes yime and affects everyone in the family!
    All i really know is that the foundation of lov you gave your children is expanding to new family members and their families!!!!!
    Mazel tov and much love to all of you!

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